A Summary of the FOUR Events


This class consists of a jumping round and an agility round. Results are combined and the least faults wins.


A round of Snooker and a round of Gamblers. Results from both rounds combined with the highest points in the quickest time winning.


A jumping round to include an A-frame & 12 Weaves. Top 10 dogs with combined results over two rounds go into final. Fastest dog with the least faults wins the final.


All faults are converted to time (e.g., 5F = 3 seconds and so on) over 2 jumping, 2 agility and 1 speedstakes round.

To view the detailed rules please view the event schedule


The CSJ Agility Open has the five jump heights as seen at the World Agility Open

  • Dogs 320mm & under, jump 250mm
  • Dogs 380mm & under, jump 300mm
  • Dogs 440mm & under, jump 400mm
  • Dogs 500mm & under, jump 500mm
  • Dogs 501mm & above, jump 600mm

Dogs can  jump in a higher height category